Athletics of To-Day by Graham

The former migh create a little more in erest but , ·ould soon bring such a train of c il tha would speedily lead to its ruin. Such an fternoon's sport a ~.-as pro id d that aftern on wh1.:n Cam ridJc · nd .· ord defeated Harvard and Yale woul be er ain to dra, · a rcat gate if the meeting were rene :vccl at some fu ure date at uccn's lub. eo le would come for the sport alone ut the rong feelina of p. r i nship dd rcat piqu ncy to he interest f. the mcdinrr. There never has been in England a meeting in friendly riv lry betwe n h · nations • , ·hich ach side h ve b en u ported y so many ancl such cnthu– sia tic p rti ans. ' he crick t matchc et veen the colonic and mother country arc ah·. y followed with the deepest intcrc by thousand i. both countries. But th1.: interest i ra, ·n out and not con– e ·ntr te int t \'O or three ho rs of I