Athletics of To-Day by Graham

ATHLETIC Races in which the time is o e taken should be started by is ol. The s arter should stand behind men , ·here they c nnot see him ut should hold the pi tol in such a \"c y that the flash can e cle. rly se n y he time-taker at the fini hin(1 He should make a point of u i e same words, that the men m. · cle rly understand d1at is e.· ected of hem. The Americ n method is sim I \\ hen the men are s rippe and a the line they are told to · get do ·n ." They place their bands on the line kneelin on one knee ·ith their feet in the hollo \'S they h ·e pre ·iou ly scraped. The momen they arc do v the ord r come clc r and sharp- et !" The men m rtly rai e he knee from the ground, and be ore there is tim for unsteadin ss l c starter inst.. n ly fire::,. Thi method is Yery bu incs -like ~ n sm. r . In En land gene 1 order g when in hi ready le , •a · a 111, n •h · or 13