Athletics of To-Day by Graham

ST,\RTL .G A ·o J 'DGI. ·G RACES do,; ·n. It is l us hardly to be von– dered at that often several fal e start occur efore the pistol i fired. If any of the men do o ·erbalance they should all e told to get up and a £re h start ordered. If a man heps on real-" ng a \·ay with he obj et of l a inc1 the pi tol he houlcl be w rned and th n ruthlessly bafr– marl·ed . The advantage that a man ay ha\'C in ctting off the marJ~ quicker U1an his opponent is com- lctely nullified if be is made un– steady y one of his op oncnts re eatcdly making f lse starts. The s arter should a m n , ·ith • decided opinion o his o ·n. He mu t rcmem er that once the pi tol is fire it is impo siblc to 1 ·call the men, , nd if any on is left at the po t , ·ho ,, r is r • lly a fault, he 1 me is sure to ut upon him. CS nly