Athletics of To-Day by Graham
'I. I TI. 'G .\. ·o JUDGI. 'G R CE he hardest thing~ in the world to ju ge correctly an hence C\'en in he I ter- University 100 yards, , her(; there are only four runner. 1 it is quite a common thing for all th se of 1ci. ls to disagree. The best method is for the judges to t ke up a position on each side of the , ·inning ost ending dO\ ·n t the le •cl of lhc tape, and keep their ye firmly xed upon it. The referee should s and immediately over one of the judges and in a direct line ·ith he pe. On o account should the nr ers as they ap roach be , at heel. bould e arr nge th, t one is to take the 1r t man and not t. l·c hi eye from him , ·hen he has pa cl the ost until he has as erlainecl for certain U1e vinner s name. The other ju ..,e should like vise follow the con m n ; if there is a third place, th r fcrce hould I· ep hi eye upon the m n. In ritici in the deci i n of the jud c it mu t c 1cmcmben.: that the m n vho arc a solut<.:ly I ok– i • lo 1g tb ta e , re the only pe ph.: n the gro me.I who are in • po ition to gi~ · "' corr t decision and ho ·– ·er c.·pcri need a man, i he l · but to o 1c si c or the ther, i mistake it a do c ll i h. I I
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