Athletics of To-Day by Graham
ST RTL ·G . ·o J ·oGL ·G R CES ho ogra hy is ractically useless in judging race . One r cent year at Queen's Clu , a man a I ared \·ith a ·cry accurate ma hine for judginCT sprint race . ough it was soi 1e\ ·hat clumsy in The runners were to rol·cn let down the numbers of the winners on a dial overhead. The oth r runners w re no recorded. he m eh. nism of lhi machine wa i1 ple an practical ; it almost impo ihle to get a d ad h at e\en if the two men stood and ried to break tb pes a xactly th s me morn nt a a i en ignal. Ho :v– e\·er, no hin more ha cen heard of the in •entor or his machine. 1111.· .CE ur\ tdy t. -e th · tim rint iace t vo thin ha h. d • 4
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