Athletics of To-Day by Graham

ATHLETICS ta ·e~s seldom do they all aO'rce ho ·– c\·cr e.·perienced they ma· e. This is partly, no dou due to he fact h, t it is only possible for a limi ed num er of officials to e in a po ition where they can look along the ta e and as i naturall · i mor im ortan to kno , vh •in he race than the time h tak s to 'in it, the judges are gi ·en the lace of honour and the imc– taker::, ha ·e o manage as best the; can. The est wa eh is that vhich i kno ·n as a · treble y ck. ' I should possess inde endent split conds-band and a scpara e minu c marker. The dial is ge crally gra ua d 1fths of a second in this country. I 1 merica and rightly oo, i i reco - nised that 1 th of a secon is no a sufficien ly mall frac ·on o con ·e , an ide of e di fer nee in s c d of I