Athletics of To-Day by Graham
ST.\RTI. .G A. ·o J 'DGL .G RACES I foot. uppose again Uiat the \ ·inner fini hes exactly in 9i second . up- ose still fur her that each of the!>c 21 s arters e accura ely timed . \s watches do no mark less than -bth second, as runners pass over 7 f et i e. eh 1 h secon and as the runners all ni:,h a in en·, ls of r foot i follow th t 7 will mi h in each 1 th second, and the timel·ee er will time 7 of them in 9 seconds 7 in IO seconds, and the U1ird 7 in IO~ seconds. • Runner D may beat runner F by 2 feet and H y 4- feet and beat J by f et yt.:t all four are timed .·, ctly the s, me as diffcrence of _ f et 4 feet, and 6 feet arc too sm, 11 to be recorded 10 ccond , i di •i eel , mon · ·n men who, according to the timckccpcr , ar sup– I cl thcorcti ally t be , 11 ·qua], but ne of ·hom m, y l c 7 feet JO\· r th n the her • r cl y ·t ha\'c a right l cl, im he titl . If imc-t, kin i but f mall value q- r
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