Athletics of To-Day by Graham
hlODEf. T ATHLETICS T e Americans ha ot stopped at merely finding out the best me hods, no troubl was spared in teaching those methods. nd her in lies the reason of their s ccess. car y ye r we turn out men wh xcel at heir o vn articular port· they J·eep it up for sever ye, rs and U1en retire. Here their conn ction ·ith athletics generally ceases c.·cept erhaps as a specta or or ossibly an o 1cial at the more im ortan meetings. The L rt of athletic teaching is ne ·er studied and is radically unkno m. O.·ford Uhletic Club h ·e ah ays been fortuna e in ha •ing as a m mber of the ni ·ersi y • !r. C. ". Jacl· on. •or some ye. rs he ha dc\'Otcd hi pare ti to su1 crint nding the health , ncl tr inin 1 of the .· rcl t am. In th, t r s cc 0. ·ford arc e tcr off than thdr pponents but still somethin more t an hat is n ed. Every lub needs • ma vho , ·ill st. nd in the s. me relation to it th t r •ing co._ eh docs to at-, m n , ·ho bas taken the ho n as er the jumper. It is no doub I
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