Athletics of To-Day by Graham

ATHLETICS his ambition than by cigaret e smo.:– ing. If a cig rette e not inhale i is no worth smoking, and no hing ea e rnr e for the luno . I i:s true that man · a man, ·h inhales an enormou r umber of cigarettes, has , ·on great sue c s on the ru nina tr ck, u gene au . he has not star cd inh ling till after h has left school and he is hen kcp in training for fully half of the year be bas not had time to reap he effec s of the Yice. oys al vay ha,·e smol·ed school in spite of the mo:>t ~.-ily school– sergeant an prob. bly al ·ays, ill · bu Jc those vbo , ·ish to bt=come runr ·r smoke nothin,.,. b t a vholesomc piJ · . ppended is an accou of the SJ at some of the large public chool . ETo.·. Y J. ED\ 'AI o -. to The s 00 IS-