Athletics of To-Day by Graham

Tl LETTCS I.' 'l llE P 'IlLIC CIIOOLS arc wo c.·ceptions to this, the school 1ile and half-mile. These an.! run I reviou ly and on di erent days. The ollo ,·ing an; the r cords for U1e open e ··n ·s :- { 1 5 A. A. Hollins l IOO yards I ~. A. .. 'eave 10 1 cs. I<)OO J. Chur hill J I-mile ~-mile I mi e Hurdle r:l e I<)OO J. Churchill, 50} sec . 1900 J. Churchill, 2 min . 4~ :cc. J. )f. re mantle, 4 min. 6 the walking race,· s gi,·cn a h. If-mile , ·• s held in its \ ith he c. ·ccption of there no long-di t nee lat race the ar · the same a those in the In er- 'ni ·ersity sports. he open stccplcch. c is lightly o ·er hr e mile in Ieng h, thl! ountry fa'dy represent. ti,·e wi h an • bun - of plou 1 h 1 nd. The chief the 1. st