Athletics of To-Day by Graham
HLETICS I.. THE P 'BLIC SCHOOLS raining e. ·crcise than races. o one may run in a igside who is under iJ te n or •ho is not passed as phy– sically sound. In the Crick" no one is allo :\·ed to start vho is under se ·cn– te n year of a c and \'arious other rec u ions arc t, ·en. In I r a cu \\' s re cntccl 1 y o]cl ·inner of the Crick " to e won by the Hou e ,vhich scored mo t 1 oints in the " ric ·" ~ nd i ~idc . arious y tern of marhng w ·re tried one of , ·hich was that the first man hom coun c i.·ty point and one point \ •a <le uc eel for ·cry ten second · hat the follo\ •in runner were ehin the\ ·inncr's time and , 11 \ ·h failed to .) y tlw in the running iii , a 111- 'l
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