Athletics of To-Day by Graham
ATHLETIC , ·o annual ma ches are against the Oxford Uni\'ersi ) H. and H. an h Th mes H. and H. Club · he cour e i generally that which i kno ·n as the Barby Hill course and is o ·er e ·en miles in length . Sometimes the match against Oxford is run o ·er the La •;for course, which i about the same lcn h. The ' Crick 11 is nm· run i he Eas er term hough before I 95 i too r place tm ·ards the end of he Iichaelmas term. Its length is a out ·elve and a quarter miles of ;hich about five are o ·er fields and the r on the road. Be ides a great num er of hedges and ga e there is as ream to e crossed. efore thi year the r car I h. 15 min. 15 sec . w, held by E. Kellett since 1889 but this ye r it ·, s lo \'ered 2.: min. by A. R. \·elsh. The times of tl e ·inner re gi ·en clo · :- Hr. E. B. Kelle I 15 15 C.Chri C I 1; 17 I 19 I I 17 (j I l 5 I -5 16 7 l 16 3 I I 1 I
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