Athletics of To-Day by Graham

THLETICS I.. THE P 'BLIC SCHOOLS In 1858 no kss han thirty-two oys starte for the Cricl·,' ut now it i r. re for more ban about ten to turn out. \Vhen the runnin cup went to he House that score most points in io ·de runs fields of eighty sometimes started in hem. The smaller fields that no\\ urn out arc o a grca c.·ten due o he s rin– gcncy of the present re ulations and to he fact th t there is ut small induce– men offerc o those who have no chance of fini hing in the first h ·elve and ·ho arc not sufficiently fond of he arduous cxcrci e to run for the running's sa ·e. 1 hough fewer oys run in the impor– t nt races the t ndard of ross-country runnin 7 a Rt by is as high as ever • i • de rly ho ·n by Vclsh s e.~cellent recor O\·er Hhat is con idcred one of he mos trying of our Public chool ·our cs. 'l he a hlctic por ta}· place u u, lly a out a , •c k fr m the nd of the · stcr term. 'l he hca are run off wee]· ar d he , an 1 57