Athletics of To-Day by Graham

• IODER. .\THLETICS jum1 ing in \meri1.;a. fen vho intended going in for the sport \ ent l him an sys ematically le. rnt his principles, and the result is there are a great ma y really first-class high jumpers in \mcrica. Every o y knows that he pre"cnce of a champion in a club raises the s , ndard of hat particul. r sport ut i ·es some little time, and in mos a hle ic clubs specially a the Uni- ·ersities, mem crs change \·ery quickly. !though much goo may c done y men hel ing each o her during practice he result cannot be so cffec ivc or en urin vbere there i a mentor ·ho , ·ill de ·o e his sp, re time year in year out, in loohng out for pro- m1sm eginners an tcachin ., them right methods. It i done C\ ery cl, y on the ri •er and there i c ·er de. rth of competent co, ches. Th same system will h, ·e; e introduce if we are to h,, · uent match ·s with lw \.mcric. ns and , •c wi h to hol our own in com– I e itions th t re uire something more th· 1 rule strength and nduranc . Th U1c e meetings bclvc n meri , and •ngli h nivcrsitics arc o come periodic. l i now an cstab– li he act. 1 heir ucce s vill depend i itin , i<le ein able o 13