Athletics of To-Day by Graham
ATHLETICS fe v yards. The man \ · 10 secure third lace was ·re :\'arded by se ·eral large electroplate dish-co ers-an excellent wedding prese t but scarcely suitable as a trophy. The dressing– room consis ed of a large tent lenti– fully lit ered \ ·ith straw in ·hich runners were herde toge her with cyclis s and their machines an in which there was he usual dearth of soap and vater. Had a little of the money spent u on the prizes een used in ro •iding eh ·rs and forms to sit upon clean matting for the floor, it , ·ould ha •e been a improvement. I am sur that etter– class runners at all e,·ents ·ould ratller support sports where the comfort of the competitors is considered rather than :s.·herc the only a tractio is the gaudiness of the prizes. I is also a rcmarka le hing hO\:s., so fe v com– peti ors-in the cycling races e eci, Uy -can start for any \'iolent e. ·crci e without olishing 1cmsel ·es •:ith cm rocation or whisky. the en of a quar er-mile race it is leasan thought that o e ha o r urn to d1ess in a hot tent ,;i h ' e · o o r arising on all sides. r he oral of he stOI)' i rize o · les aluc a d tent one to be cationi s only."
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