Athletics of To-Day by Graham

II TRAINING I TERI LS THE ma erial for foot-racing nee li le descri tion. The est costume for the track is that which makes sim- licity a grace. t the niversities it is a rul hat all garments should e whi c hou h hey 1 e adorned with club cola rs. hi i an excellen rut , i look usiness-li ·e and thcr is le chance o garment cing ncglec ed y the wa hen.\'Om n than if they e of d rker te.·ture. Those who can afford he lu.·ury of silk shirts will nd th money no thrown away as they com– inc Ii h ness wi h warmth and las • lon ime. They should e made to en do ·n h front and h uld c kc up by • bu kl at th back an not t ·o at the id· oft 1 sc n. n no , ccount should they c su p ndc } n l tic an roun th L! , •• i t. , re should bL! t. ken to ro •id· ~ 17