Athletics of To-Day by Graham

ATHLETICS stouter garment for steeple-chasing where, ater has to be passed through. For the ,, inter months a s, ·ea er of wool and a flannel scarf should be pro- ·ided . On wet days, or when he wind is exceptionally cold, the s ·ea er may be retained but as a rule it is ad\'isa le to practice as much as po si le i e ·actly the same clothes one bas to race in. The most important item of the ou fit is the shoes. t the ·ni\·ersities they may be purchased at the club and a really aood pair can e procured for t velve or thir ccn shilling . They should be made by a man who can ersonally measure each customer. In to vn the best man is Baines of S . John's \\ ood ; he supplies mo of the members of the L.A.C. Tuck of en makes a good soft shoe · they can e procured from Brne fink Cheapsicle. In ordering a I ..iir, oth feet hou c be carefully measured, as of en one's feet are not q1 itc the same size. For Ion distances the so c should be fairly sti f. • or general use the spjkes houlcl not be o long, and only fi ·e in number. For a quart r-milc man, ·ho is at all hea 'Y fi 1 e short spikes co no 1 i,·c enough hold round the corners of most track . Especiall; , ·hen here l s een much rain, a , ir of hoe:s r8