Athletics of To-Day by Graham
~ - ~- ---- TPAI. ~r 'G s 10ul e worn wilh either five very Ion spikes or si.· medium length nes. I have f en wondered if it would not e to a man's ad\·antage l run withou sh cs at all . \ h n training in the summer months it is common to have a run on the gra s arc-footed, and one' feet feel wonder ully li (Tht. The pee liar feeling at the nd of a hard race U1at one i not qui e sure whether one 1 s fee are yet on the ground, is cause I elieve y the tightness of the runnina shoe. It would only take a \·cry small amount of practice to harden the feet to the track. The dang r of eing spiked would no e nreater, as he shoe prac ically affords no protection. Perhaps some da) we may find a r nner vho \·ill hink it rn h while to give i a trial. In choosin,,. shoes have lack ones. the commencement of lb , ·ar in 'outh Africa a man sho ~:eel hi patriot– ism · turning out in the Inter- niver– si y ports in khaki ' olour cl shoes. They <lo not loo]· ~;ell. 1•01 lrnr<llinrr and jumping two spil·c a ·e require in the h ·cl ancl for he e en sand sprinting th · · an be worn much tir1h er though it is w 11 then n t o tie them up too long before ing ut. n o csse 1 ial articl for h dr I
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