Athletics of To-Day by Graham
ATHLETICS mg room is a good pair of skin gloves. These are no v provided in most of the clubs, but it is much cleaner o ha ·e one s own pair. Af er using the glo 'es should be , ·ell eaten the reason for this will then be apparent. It should be remembered that art of the object of rubbing do n is to remo ·e a con– siderable amount of dele erious ma er and dried perspiration , -hich is clog– ging he pores and cannot be entirely remO\ ed by sponging with cold water. This can readily be seen among the hairs of the gloves and can be eaten out as a white dust. If one or t :rn gloves are used indiscrimina elyamong t a large club as is too often the case hese should be cons antly beaten out. side the dre~sing-room and , ·ashed thoroughly t vo or three times a, 'eek. It might be of serious consequence to bring the e skin excretions in con act with an abrasion as is often caused by hurdling or ill- t ing shoes. It is a very good plan to use them after the morning tub and before oing to bed especially if then; e any feeling of sti foe af er the days worl·. re mu t be taken n t to u e them too "i"orou ly. The writer remembe once gi rin" a practi– cal demonstration of their merit to a friend. In the middle of the ni(Jht he awoke ~·ith a burning fee ing do \'n his 20
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