Athletics of To-Day by Graham

ATHLETICS too much before breakfas . m m good health can ah ays do himself justice at his meal ; in fac "hen a lo of men are training toge her, the thi g o a Toid · o ea oo much. Eggs in \'arious forms 1sh b con and o st afford a plentiful vari ty. Let no ma ·ho is no an b bi u 1 orridge ea r take i just ecausc he is in raining-it is ·cry filling but docs no s nd by one. Tho c men ·l o find it difficult to ri.!duce ,vha is ge1 crally ·no \"n to a hletes as I Pot" bad better le ·e it discreetly alone. Bu the hardy Seo ch– man, wh has kno ·n no other should on no account give it u . Lunch before a race is al ·ays a o e of c. ten ion-one wa ts o eat eno gh so as not to urn out ·i h an emp y feeling at the same time o h. ve to carry as little as po::isible. A good chop, with green ·ege , bles pnl e read, and a glass of ·;ater ake about a.r hour and a half bef.Jre be r. cc:, generally sa is 1cs mos ne . If one has tw race::i it is \'Cry hard say , ·hat i the best cour~e. If he sccor cl one comes on l. te in the • ftcrnoon all sorts of drinh, are recommended-a glass of por eh, m • < 1 ne bo ·ril choco- 1, te and Tari u other u ainin<r nd stimulating condiments. .\ ath or er bi cuit is a good as a 1ything