Athletics of To-Day by Graham
TRAL. 1.·G a man run and rm ? T he answer is most decidedly yes - so long as he can have a clear man h to loosen his joints after rO\ ina before racing and here is no better moral training for a man than ro, ing in an eight-oar boat. On the path he is merely running for himself but in a o. t vhere seven other men dep nd upon him it is absolutely necessary to perse\: ere t he bi ter end. For ro :\'ing one c n ha ·e no better .·ercise than running. It is the shaking that gets a man thin and t and one does no get i in a oa . If a man is ro\ ·ing up to \:ithi1 a short time of a foot race ther is no reason why he should no ao for a spin on the tracl· uring the morning. I will no e found t tire him for hi f ernoon work and , •ill greatly hdp to l·eep his legs and join suppl . The same thing applies o foo all. layin in the scrum ' is liable o make one \' ry sl \ • and stiff, but the ~ d e ts c. n e gr ·atly r ·cluced by fast vork on the l a h th1,; day f er the g 1C.
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