Athletics of To-Day by Graham

with the right foot is a good long one. To get a good push off with the right foot a hole should be scraped vith he spikes. For the right foot it cannot too deep say roughly about four or five inche . For the left or front foot a much shallm ·er one should e dug so as not to interfere with the da . ' The ody should not be s raightened suddenly, as any jerk is liable to stop the speed· it should e gradually raised to full height during the first fif een yards. To get a goo s art here is nothing like confi enc ut to get confidence there i~ nothing like kno, ·ing th. l c · n if the st rt does go wron 1 one ha a hard fini h to rely upon . On the da of the race take a reliminary canter up to the post and get he positions for he feet ready before s ripping. It is w 11 to have one or two s art . Do not ge down or s rip before the s arter tell you, a he position is tiring and takes a lo out of one. If the starter knows hi ,vork and the other comp titor. are old h ncl a Ycry fo v seconds will ·laps t · n he order to sc " and the report of the pistol. And now for the great sccre of ucce ful s arting-don't try to c. t 2