Athletics of To-Day by Graham
THLETIC3 the pistol. \\ ith a starter like \Yill-in– son or Jack \\"bite you will not do it nee in ten time:, and if you t.ry and fail you will have ken yards out of yourself. It may come off occasionally but in the lon,.,. nm it a ·s to s rt fairly an squarely at the firs sound of the firearm . Once off action is not very important it is bet er to unders ride than to · ry to s ride further than comes qui e natural. \Yith regard to arm action there is lit le to e said. The great aim is to be a le to say with Sir ndrew Aguecheek "He does it wi h a etter grace ut I do i more natural. nd now ·e come to the mos importan part of the race- he last 20 yards. It is most astonishing ho ,. man · men are fast m·cr 80 yards t go all to pi<'cc i the last part. Yer_- of ·n all i.· competitors are almos le\ cl 20 yard from home ·c Uwy are all separated a fc, · yard from the l os . In a 1 r a many cases thi i o :i;ing t m ·n c oing to little vork :md no nm ing far It must w arinrr ordi 1a ·y c erci e men en
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