Athletics of To-Day by Graham

more extraordinary often win them. A qui c late Cam ridge President F. L. Carter of ai us ollegc had a most e.-cellent finish ah ·ays winning his races on the post · he won sc ·cral quarters ' up at Ca ridge and clcad- hea ed in the Inter- Var ity 100 yards and quarter though he ne ·er in his life ran so far as once round Fenncr's ground. This may e all very well for men vho are so naturally gifted but to mos poor mortals the way to get a hard finish is by mnninrr often further than your distance. In he In erna iona1 sports 1899, Blo n was first a\ ·ay and at 4 ·ards had a lead of 4 feet ; a half di tance he was s ill half a yard ahead of Thomas and r yard ahead of Quinlan ; at the 85-yar mark all three , ·ere le ·el · in he last 15 yards uinlan too · a foot from Thomas and he a similar di tance from Imm . lount •.·celled ins artinrT, uinla 1 in finishin<T. If the c , irtucs coul b · ombin cl the id al w nld nol c f, r ff. To impro · · o e 1 1i h it is not a bad bing to trot l p lo the fifty marl- :rnd then qnicl·en , ra ually ending up as hard as pos– si le. nothcr pla 1 i to often practice to a a1 e. . Io t men piac ice o,·er no fi.-c<l 31