Athletics of To-Day by Graham
ATHLETIC distance ut run just as far as t ey can \ ·ithout feeling tire then hey slacken and stop. Before s ar ing in ractice decide how far you inten to run and finish that distance one would then in a race no experience the feeling of wishing to stop just at the moment when an e. tra ffor is required . In training for a sprint i is , ·ell to go out twice a day doing the hard work in the afternoon as near as pos– sible to be time when the race is to e run. About five practice star s shoukl be had with the pistol and , ·hen ver possible always get some one else o s art with you. If he e not so quick off the mark gi ·e him some star . The effort of trying to catch him as quickly as possible will be found to pull' you out. In these practice star s i is vell to imagine oneself always ac ually in for competition · try your bes in ractice it will come qui e na ural to do your best in he race . After these star s run through 110 yards at hrce-quarter pace. Tm ·ard the latter p, rt of trainin• 1 the leg will e found s t and it i good to ha\'e three trials a week o •er no yards with a tape o run in o. These should be run during the last three , ·eek of training. 32
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