Athletics of To-Day by Graham

R ·•• 'T.'G Sprinters are liable to many ailments, ut one very common one, a snapped muscle or strained tendon can gene– rally e a\'oided by rubbing down efore coming out, an always getting warmed up before J.ny sudden strain or jerk. The worst disease that sprinters are affected with is kno, n as ' B-o-n-e in the 1-e-g. ' It is generally cau ed y dwelling much upon the troubles of life. It is est cure y two pints of cham ae1ne. fe, fa,·ourable remarks in he morning s 1orting papers ha\'e een known o alleviate it for a ime. During the early part of r. 111mg there is nothin<1 like walhng f r ·xcr– ci e ut cfore he race great care must be taken to d nothing that will s iffen the joints. THE Q ARTER-. IILE PRI T The Ion sprint oth here an America is the most an afternoon I port. for oo juclgmcnt i quite a n– ti, a pluck and careful pre aration . ..._uarter-milc runners naturally fall int t vo cla cs. The s rinter pure an implc , ·ho find he can stay two or 3.) C