Athletics of To-Day by Graham
rcak awa_, but ·as soon passed y Hollins , ·h started out at a terrific I ace , ·ith Broadman at his lbow. s Broadrnan and Hollins took the fir t turn the Yale lad came to the front 1 ut Hollins responded, and the two fought dcspera ly all the , ·ay do ,·n the second str. igh . In the meantime Da ·i on had made up the di ance which the Yale aptain ha ta ·en in he start and , ·as runnin e,·enly with him some four yards behind the leaclinrr pair. Broadman led around the lasl turn in cviden c i tress, with Hollins at his heel . The big am ridge man ha go en fairly in o hi stri e in his pur– suit along the second side and mahnrr a ,vie c s ,·eep around the last corner to a ·oi Holli s and Broadman came into the stre eh lil·c a whirh 'ind. Hollins had e n sent out to mal·e the , cc, a his great spee h. told o bo h himself and roadman. \ hundred ;ards from the mish D:n·i on J as cd Hollins a 1d h enty yard fur h ·r on orgccl by ro. clman, · ·ho ·as ·obbling in his our. c wi h ace contracted. Hollins righ fully felt that he sl • n:d in avison s \!ictory and opping some :vcnty yardc; from he t. c ea led cncoura~ingly to his fcllo ·-coun ryman . Davison cov red 35
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