Athletics of To-Day by Graham

ATHLETICS his quarter in 493 sees. es a lishing a new English Univer ity record. Broad– m n completely done was four ·ar s in the rear , ·ith Fisher in he thir place. Certainly Da ·ison s quarter Yas one of the finest e,,er run. There is no dou t but that roadman made a mistake in following Hollins s fierce pace so closely durincr the arly race but better judgment would haYe only served to reduce Da •ison s lead. To be ordinary obse1Ter this was merely a splendid race between four first-class runners, run with excellent judgment and in splendi time. To hose ehin the cenes i repre- sentecl a crrcat deal more. TJ1c home team had wa ched the mcricar s in their trial spins. They had sho :n1 themselves fast o an e.~treme O\'cr three hundred yarns. The way they negotiated the firs sharp corner , ·as rath r more than scicn ific-if left to their own de,·il.:eS the race \'as t1 drs for a certainty. Crickc h, d grea I • interfered , •ith Hollin raining, a he wa not sure of hi la tin< 1 po ,·er . He chose to throw u his o ·n chance in a attempt to make his opponc run a bit above themselves. Da; or had no hing o think of u to nm within him el the inside of the corner was clear for him · , ·b n 36