Athletics of To-Day by Graham
ATHLETICS upon it. Durine1 the race a feeling may come o ·er you that it is impos– sible to\ 'in, but pos i le to g<::t seco d pt ce-a barr n honour bu sfll an onour. Your partner is mnning on the outside ; by an c: ra effort you may e1ivc him a chance to come O\'cr and at he ne. ·t orner secure l e inside pbce. In a dozen tride~ e sacrifice is m de and hough the re u t of t ·o mon hs' trainincr ma: c nul– li · ed, the satisfaction of sceinrr your sic e win not only the ·c1 t b 1 perhaps the ")Or , ·ill amply a 01 e 10r the dis. ppoin ment f not re ting I. ce<l. If the mo ·c b not ucc "t1l there will ah ays knowing one has done ont= s b · . n tho e , •ho kno · , ·ill appreciat · an cir i~ the only opinion ·or h h •ina. • Io<lern quarter-mile running ea es from the arri ·al of L. E. ~ I y of the Ia at, n . C., .. ·c York. I he , ·ho fir t found that a man co ii start at the top o his spee a d yet corn lete the whole; di tance. He ·on the championship in 1 I in 4 ., ecs. 1 hi , ·as the 1rst time the C\'cnt h d runners erhaps n rcpu f o tha E.
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