Athletics of To-Day by Graham

RUN L. G he turned professional and one of the be t quarter-miles ever 5een w s e– h ·een him and . R. Do\' ner at the Rochdale . C. grounds. The match a racted xtraordinary interest, no less than twel e thousand peo le assing hrough the gates. Downer , ·on by 6 yards in the excellent time of 49t sees. At the ni crsities H. C. L. Tindall was facile princeps, though he only won the Inter-Uni– versity quarter once. After he left Cambridge he impro ed tremendously, and in 1889 he tied Bredin's record of 4 t sees. In I 94 egan a memorable s ·ries of races be wcen ilbert Jordan ( niv. O.· n) an \V. Fit.zhcr ert (Trinity Hall Camb.), which excited an enor– mous amount of interest. Jordan von the first year then Fitzherbert ·on tl e h 'O follo ·ing the latter being an cially good r c •itzherbcrt get- in 1 home y 4 foet in the e. ·l,;elh:nt time of 4-9~ sees. In I 95 f itzher ert won the cham- ion hip in 49:1 sec·. and Jordan gr atly a dcd to his r putation y hi r. ce, ith 1 homa Burke at e, Yorl·. Bmkc jus "·on in 4 sees. The la t race etween Jordan an •itzher ert ·as hardly satisfactory. 'J he 1 tcr had nc do vn ro 1 he 39