Athletics of To-Day by Graham

\THLETICS University, and only came in o residence a fe\ weeks before the Ca ·dge sports. He \ ·as ne\'er really fi a d faile to stay th last part Jordan ·in- ir a in the splendid time of 49., sees. t the Championshi s held at t. m– ford ridge July 1900, the mericans rought o ·er heir champion . L \\ . Long, .Y ..C. an al hougl he h~ such redou t le op onents as Di. ·on Broadman C. E. Da ·i on and \\ lsh, be won with gre ase. In the arne ye r in merica he eat \ . Baker'~ recor of 47f sees. for a s raight course y comple ing the di - tance in 4-7 sees. He ·a e. u if I mm·er , ·ith long easy s ride and kep the ace throughout \ ·onderfull · e ·en. s regards the re aration or he quarter i mus e remembered th. it i or c of the se ·erest str ins on he ody. . · ot only must t e ·ind be erfect but the oc y must c h rd all ~vcr. This re ult ·ill not e at ine y t ·o or three ursts each day o ·er 300 yards. At he commenccmen of training a lot of walking should e ot through and an cc. ion. I t ·o lap::; (;rds of mile) ·ill not t c pace. ·fore in he In cr– usu 1 to elc