Athletics of To-Day by Graham
ATHLETICS it is much easier to race bar agains a man if one is b side him th n a y rd r so behind. Ii one is fit do not be o er an.··ous to mal·e the pace from the s rt · b if one has doubts of ones staying po ers do not le \ e any grom to be made u in the straight. HALF-. HLE A. "D . IIDDLE DIST •·cE U. '. "L "G There are ,;o classes of half. runners. • fen \: ·ho can run a . st quarter a d of s aying e e.· r di5 ance. S eh ha £-miler , ·ere E. C. rcdin and H. C. I. Tindall. Other such as . H ran . E. Lutycn and F. J. K. Cros were re Uy long– distance runners, but h \ina , ·ell ·ere all re. lly cap ble of ne half-mile performance. I thin · on the ·, ole the man who has b · ·n us d t goinrr long di ar cultivate hi SJ ccd to r mile i more Ii ·ely to succeed than the man \.ho c n rn he grca spe d b t di:, nee. On e o her • champ·o , the recor s of hi for Oil
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