Athletics of To-Day by Graham
u.. ·.. ·1. TG fi ·e occasions ha 1 e the same man , on oth the half and the quarter mile eh mpionships :hilc only h ·o men \ •. G. George ,md . J. I". Cross h1ve e ·l!r claimed the half and the mile. I ;as not un il 188_ that eorge v s the rst to , in the ham– pio 1 hip in under two minutes · no v th L it is u ual to run the 6 rst quarter mile ·cry fast i is nearly al ·, ys ·o 1. u1 der tl c c ·en time . In training for half mile one should impro e ones a e by sharp bur::.ts o ·er a quar er or 600 y~trds an b · an ccasion, l run for three-quart rs f a mile o s rcngthcn he legs ~ m in– crea c one's st yin r power. o run • f t half mile say in I in. 5 sec., it is nccc s ry to cover the firs quarter in 54- or 55 sec. which allm ·s 6_ seconds for he last qu, rtcr. For lon -clist cl! unner \: ·ho i a qu, rter-milcr the r n •cry hard a the croo subs antial le. d As
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