Athletics of To-Day by Graham

imaginary line fn·e yards eyond it. On no retext vbatever lool· round in he last -0 yards ; if a man is yo hard you can feel him ·o cannot see him, and t look roun i fatal. hen running against a supc1 ior runner an some cw yard bchiu l him if you sec him loo]· round pull your elf together and g for him as hard as po iblc. To lool· round he will certainly ha\·e slackcne hi pac and 1 roba l} ceinrr no one close upon him, he ,·ill get carcle s ancl c, sc ff in he 1. st few yard . If y u get t him the r. cc \'ill be ~·our , for it will b~ imJ o i le for him l g ·l 1 oing a rain. t the tart get away risl-ly s a to ha\'c the choice of po ition. The be t running i a out a foot and . half a y from the olc. Th · track there i ot gen ·rally s cu up, and if here c any harp corn rs this is a\ er• im– or ant point. \t the ucen's lu he tr. k i so seldom u cd th, t it i It i l tt r 5