Athletics of To-Day by Graham

ATHLETICS clima e at a I event . • Iilers are gene– rally of a Jigh build sometimes tall b t the i eal man for the dis ance i short and light \.'i h a long, easy st ide such a Hugh \ 'elsh \ . E. Lu ·c Pollocl· Hill \'ere gifted with. In tar - in,,. mile running, be first hincr is o learn to judge pace. To run a mile ay in 4 min. 25 sees. the fir lap should c run in I min. ... 2 sees. the secon in _ min. 55 sees. lea fog I min 30 sees. o comple e be mile in 4- min. 25 sees. By comparing the e imes-Fir lap r min. 2_ sees.· second lap I min. :'3 sec . · third lap I min. 30 secs.-i , ·ill le seen that the pace throughou is fairly ·ven. .. "owadays in Inlcr-Clu ma chc pa emaking is rough to a crfec ion, and men are chosen ·ho e special d it i o take he le t runnc s over he