Athletics of To-Day by Graham
R ·.'.'I. ·o e ·er appeal to the Sa.·on race. meric::i may urn out occa ionally a Conne · or a Day but a their univcn,ities or pro– vincial club:. then; are nothing like the num er of ea ble long-di tancc.; men , c. n be fot n in our English cro s– co I try clu nclcrgrad 1 :, le. \'C the ni\' ·r it • efore they arri\' · at thal ma ure a 1e \ ·hich is found to c est suited to di - tance r cing so it is not rcmarl· blc th t it is some ·ears since a C ni\·ersity off the four mile ham- cl. 53
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