Athletics of To-Day by Graham
R •·• ·1. .G say they deri ·e reat relief y chang– i n he ac ·on altoge her · when hey en er he str. ight the hi"h is lif e hig 1er the lo :\'Cr leg flung out w 11. 1 L stly, there arl! ,1,,·o rules that • long· i nee runner must al ,•• y · b • r in mind- on s art in a race wi hou proper prep ration. If a r ce is not , or h raining for it is not , orth nm– nin in. It is b · necrlec ing this ordi– n ry p ecaution tha harm i cau e y runnincr. To a m, n who has nt:\'Cr run efore it is of not so rcat importance bu an old runner when he gel to a cert in lace will try to make h me effort th. t h ,~ a accu tomeel ody , ·as properly re ul i sur to be econd rule for long– is from the morn nl on t
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