Athletics of To-Day by Graham
CROSS-COU•• PY more than its fair shar f tail, it i ardly r asona le to s. en 1cc the ha ce of the cracl· for thc sake of J acin r the crocl·s · ho \! ever, though it is \·erJ· plea ant to oast of t1 c l ro \ e s of the fa ,ourecl fe • it is ) our le el lot the wi 1s. ·o hin(T is ea icr th n to J ck a team b hind some ecd · OJ poncnt and completely cut l im o from his coll • gues. The food question can e soon di . cuss d. The principles do not • ry from those followc y all dist. nee runners on the • th. Only t , thincrs are to e n.:membcr d : (1) ro · oun ry race take place in winter and o •er tiring cour c th ·rcfore feed up and al \' ys r mem er th. t it i c h::r to li Jc bo •c your elf than ab olutcly me.drawn. (- I• ollO\ · the • eh-ice once gi ·en to me y a eh. mpi n \ rell kt O\Vll in hi d y and run ju rtl
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