Athletics of To-Day by Graham
FI· D EYE. 'T first i a gra\' o jec ion. I seems a pity that where there are ten C\' nts one shoul c a compc ition hat i ill he ·ou h and imma urc f the competitors. The o her o jcc ion houlcl not e con- i cred for a moment if the port is thought likel~· to clc\'dop a com ina– tion of strencrth , n agility in those wh t ke part in i . Certainly a contest that has had a lace in the programme since 1864 should not e dropped merely e– cau e the eopl who come to lool· on preft.!r something ,·ith more <la h ancl e. citemen . \\'hether n~ight putting i a oood form of ·. ·crci c t cl • ·dop s rcnfT h • ncl quicknc i anoth r ques– tion. If a man ha to put ' ·ith 1r t one h, nd and then ano her the .·erd · ...,,
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