Athletics of To-Day by Graham
FIELD EVE TS He advoca c practising several' puts" every day. Roughly speaking he usual method of putting" the \·eight is :-stand sideways with the ri ht foot parallel to and touching the baclr line· the shot is balanced in the ricrht hand which is kept slightly behind and close to the shoulder. The weight of he body is all on the righ leg, \ hich sho ld be sligh ly b nt. At some com- etitions a lead veight i use of an irregular shape. This should be manipu– la ed till the est grip is o tained. \ ihen the correct a.lance is achieve and every muscle braced one short quick hop is taken the weight ( the body is then fiunr1 on l he left oe, a spring in the air is ta ·en and sim I ancou ly the ody ancl arm arc str~ i htc;ne an the shoulder s ·ung roun . This is the cru.i· of the whole mo ·emenl-to g t an upward and fornard hove on to the weight y combining he movement across th square- he S\\iing of the shoulder - he s raigh cning of the body and arm. The putter must practi landing on is ri ht foot close t the front line \ ,i hout following O\'Cr un il the w i ht has reached the ground. \ in cv ry hing lse there is nothin Ii ·e w hing an a le per ormcr t get style. To • tl in a good distance 79
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