Athletics of To-Day by Graham
.\THLETICS he nece sary heiab mu t be attained and a tall man has a grc ad ·an age in this respect. THRO\\ I.' THE H _LIER The hammer 1all e t ro\ ·n from ·i hin a circle of 9 feet in di m ter. The h d of he hammer hall be of iron or lead, or h phcric:il, nd the handle hall be of \' or me 1 1 or bo h. The he d and handle hall , ·eigh torr her 16lb . The total len~th of the hammer hall no be more than 4 feet and no cro ice , rin •T, or loop a the end of the handle hall c allo •:ed. E. eh corn eti or hall be allowed hree throw , a d the e t compe itor of he fir t trial hall be allowed three more thro, · each. The farthe throw of the ix hall , ·in. All di cc hall be mea ur circumference of the circle lo the r the hammer along line dn ·n from tl to the cen re of the circle. Cro ing the scratch hall count as a Thro ·ing the hammer is a which ori inated o ·er the order l1as al vay een more l opular in ot- la Ir la d. It ·a incl cl 1:1 run. with onlyt vo exec tions 0 at
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