Athletics of To-Day by Graham
FIELD E 'E. 'TS carried off a "niversity athtc e since then it has n ver een won. In 1875 he rules , ·ere alter d and compe itors ung it from a ring 7 feet in diameter · this was found to e to sm ll,and in 18 6 it wa acrain enlarrre to 9 fee . \t the U niver ities i was until 1897 flung out of a 30 ed cir le. Since hen the size of the circle ha been the same as used y the A.•\. ., though contrary o their regulation , ros - ar and loops were still allowed on the handles of the hammers. The ·ici itude through which hammer hro"~ing has gone have greatly de - troye th in cres taI-cn in it, as all r cor s of th ast are quite u ~Ics for J ur o of c n ari on. '1 he ham ncr i If ha und r one con t nt chan r • \ fir i on istcd of a round iron all with a s iff handle. The ball w then chan ed o lead or iron or both. In the meam ·hile the i f iron shaft '• s t allc. ble n I is. Iwa · st for he official , and T F
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