Athletics of To-Day by Graham
ATHLETIC his ack to \·ards the direction ir -hich he in ends he hammer to take his toe should e as ne r the back line possible his feet about three or four fee a art and the hammer, ·ell behin him on the ground bu inside the circle. He should then with s raight arms start s vinaing the hammer round his head keeping it as low as os ible in the do rn :r;ard swee , and as high as po sible in the upw rd and ackwar sweep. It is ·ery necessary o ge up the greatest amour t of momen u in this preliminary s \'ing · the should e we 1 bent back, ·ards a loins used as much as possible to at :iin the neces ary speed. i\Her t 'O or three s vings ju ·hen the hammer sta it dO\ ·n vard s ·ing, the left foo should e sm rtly move ack a pace, the attitude of the thro \'er at this instant is just tha of crick er ·ho has raised his bat for a raight drive. He no · has feet of circle cro ::, before tl1e h mmcr m; ·cl c deli ere · nd his object must be to turn hi body quicker than the h. mmer and to incrca e it s ring right up to the moment of deli ·cry r her th· n stop it. The mo ·ement o be de cri kind of valtz the left leg i just b , the · ight i or
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