Athletics of To-Day by Graham
FI · LD EVE 'TS upon it hen a spring is tal·en on to the ri ht at he ame moment the ody is turned completely roun This , ·i h practice should rin the left foot right up to the line, the hammer should be lel go just efore the la upward sweep is completed. The commonest faults with ginners are that they do not keep their arm straigh and well away from th ir odics \'hen they star o turn. If the body e no turned quite round in the first turn the hammer is often pulle ' at the delivery, to give i it ri ht dircc ion. The s in of the Harvard men and the rapidity with \ ·hich they jum1 cl round, completing two or hrce urn in a 7 feet circle was remark ble. It is a great tern tation to a novi e when ractisin to pc" out the ground round and t n in h circle Hinginrr se ·eral shot without taking the sli 1 htc t care lo kc p inside the circle. Thi prac ice c. nnot e to s rongly condcmne . To ut one' whole force into the 5
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