Athletics of To-Day by Graham
THLET CS success let him e •er throw once ·i b– out imagining that he is in for a com– petition. It is e ter y far o en er competition kno\ ·ing that one can thrmv a 100 fee and 1-ee \•ithi the circle for certain than o ·no · that one has done r ro feet durinr1 practice ut come out of he ircle e,·ery o her shot. ur n mg as i ay seem thi e. ceedingly common and \·ery of n in he cham ionshi sand in ..niversit , meetings men ·ho could fiin the missile a long way ut vho had ot aid sufficient at ention to this mos important oint ha\·e faile to ha •e a single thro measured. s to the best
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