Athletics of To-Day by Graham

easily. It is not a ad plan to ha\'e the bar raised a it, and it i ofkn found that he clears it \\·hen he ha failed t \·ice at the lower height. It is no small a ·si tance to ha\'e he su por ing oles Vl.!ry hi h and they hould be at least 7 or feet ap rl Thi mak s the jump lool· much less formidable. 'I he mO\'a le egs that suppo ·t th ar should \'ery s iff and flat. The ar a:, stiff as pas i le so tha there i the least pos i le bend in it at the centre · it shoul be about ~ inch y I.: or 2 inches. I is not a ad plan to ha\·e two or three ars painted to suit the light and ack round. One all black the other \\·hite and one might c lac· , ·ith ju the centre pat ,·hi'-cnc . If the sun i shining right in the compctito1 s' face, it is\' ·ell to Jay a ha 1dk rchi ·fat full len th n the ar contrivan c ar en the hocl· f 1 nding. a pit fill ·d , ith me uch a t n. \110\ '. nee 91