Athletics of To-Day by Graham
THLETIC must e made for men who jump from the side and he it should e. end on oth sides of the uprigh s. rery of en the it is not filled to the top Yith he tan. Any edge or an· is dan erous and may easily cause a twisted a 1kle If he ake-off is from a rack as ade should be rO\·ided to bat en do rn the laces cu up by the spikes so that each man should have a clean e •en surface from which to spring. As in everything els a jumper re– quires a lot of re ara ion. Before jumping at all he should ake len y of running exercise to get his legs stron and his muscles fit. 11 through • ining a least one day a :\·eek should e et aside on which only running e::icerci e should be akcn. A rot efore jum ing i good o loosen the lcn and im ro ·c the circula ion. In the win er it is most important o keep , ·arm · there is no hing so stiffening as a cold wind. If there are a lot of compe itor. while one is ·aiting for on s turn i i no , bad ide. o ha ,e a sho t run.
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