Athletics of To-Day by Graham
J •• IPL 'G to a great exten spoilt if a man is kept in a biting wi1 for five minutes at the start in an unprotected state. If run- ing he s arts with his muscles an joints s iff, and he has gone some con– siderable w, y on hi journey b fore they re(Jain their elasticity. For jumpers and weight-putters this is especially a mos important point. \\'hen the mericans came out in long ·oollen dre ing-gowns of various hue on a roiling July afternoon at this years (r900) championships the cro ·d were incline o scoff. Then they put the o they came up lo the jump with heir odies sligh ly d mp with perspiration and every muscle in the e t condition for a great effort, an cleared feet and more easily. Tho e Englishmen , ho "ere sitting with nothing to protect them from the ground but their thin shorts' were jumping at a distinct disadvantage. \t the ni •ersities c:,pecially where the SJ orts are usually hel in ·cry in- le ncnt c ther it , ·ould c; • good for the clu t pro ·idc h ro or oa s that racqu ·t play 1 us · fter a hard g, me. Tlwy stretch ri rht t he ground an arc made of som · thick \11itc voollcn m, terial. It i much to h.::cp the ody fr m getting y u i11 r U1cse U1 n by 9.>
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