Athletics of To-Day by Graham
JU. IPL .G and takes no other exercise besides his jum ing. POLE JU11PL G Is a sport that does not receive the recorrnition thal it de rves, though it ha alway foun a place in the \matcur Championships. Th~ winner generally come from the ...orlh ·h re the sport is much more popular a1 cl ftener prac ised than in London and the outh. The pre n champion at the spor is H. Pool of \'\.indermcre. In he last sports he left hi ole in he train, so wa unable to compel . Th t\ ·o most famou c.·po cnt of the ar v re Tom I • y who wa champi n n I than sc ·en years and . D. Dickin– son, of \ indcrmcre who i aid to han; cl ar d no le s than 1 fr..:ct 9 inche. The pol shoul hL: of the 1 st hicl·ory wood from 13 t 14 f d in 1·n h ai d al t t 1 in he thick in the 95
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