MANAGEMENT OF MEETINGS. 29 (C) 100 YARDS HCAP. 1 J. Jones, Archery A.C. 2 Walter Wainwright, Walthamstow andCounty EssexC.C. 3 T. C.W. Allen, S.L.BX. and so on, making the unfortunate handicapper almost weep in a vain endeavour to unravel the mystery. It will take but little longer to write out a proper list, clear, cohe rent, andcorrect, easilyread, and checked, and an immense assistance to the handicapper, who, if a proper man is employed, is pretty sure to be busy, and each sheet sent must bear name and date of meeting, event,etc., and be made out on ruled foolscap as follows:— (D) ARGNAUGHT ATHLETIC CLUB. Sometown. Thursday, 21 May, 1891. {Cricket Field. Grass Course. Level. 5 laps to mile.) 100 YARDS HANDICAP (OPEN). Noi Initials. Name. Club. Start. I J. Jones Archery A.C.(Slough) 2 Walter:Wainwright Walthamstow andCounty Essex C.C. 3 T.C.W.:Allen ... S.L.B.C This rule ought to be observed in any case where a number ofnames hasto be dealt with. A pencil line ought to be drawn, where the dotted lines are shown, leaving plenty of room for three initials, close to which all sur names ought to be ranged; both initials and name are then seen at a glance. In addition to this the writer always—and he has a good many hundred lists to prepare in the year—rules two additional narrow linesto keep the initials also in range. The time and trouble saved after-
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